Artist: Elvezia Allari, Silvia Battisti, Françoise Calcagno, Cristina Cortese, Mario Esposito, Hélène Galante, Angela Grazia Galletto, Cate Maggia, Concetta Nasone, Rossella Pavan, Gabriele Perissinotto, Agustina Ponce, Luigi Rifani, Katia Scotti, Paola Volpato
The connection between food production and environmental reality includes an age-old bond with the man, the primary responsibility of the interdependence between the environment and resources accessible to it, guaranteeing the livelihood world. It is in this perspective, then, that it is considered necessary to look at the Earth as a source of life and energy to the food as essential. The renovated “gruppo Boiler” presents his V Group exhibition whose theme, given the contemporary with the 'EXPO Milan, it is food that becomes essential energy. It is, today, element to observe, taste, smell and touch, subject to forms aesthetically functional and Engine Development of a real 'food art'. The reality land offers countless resources which, together, come together to the basic principle of existence itself: water. 'Blue Gold', original principle of all life, is emerging as essential for the sustenance of man, whose cornerstone is precisely, feeding. The artists therefore propose to investigate, through their art, the constitutive aspect of life and its preservation, considering the resources that nature provides food and recognizing an important means of intimate expression, suitable to investigate the deeper aspects and, at the same time, suitable to urge careful thought about the big differences food on the planet.