Promoted by Random Art Project, a nomadic non-profit organization with a wide sense of culture.
The idea that runs through the project blend the lines between art,music, food and fashion. The action is centered around Random House, more than an art meeting point, an all-inclusive place where even the most tiny things can happen.
The myths have a profound value were created to speak to our unconscious, to help us understand what we want and what we fear, what we fail to deal with and why. The artists (Aaron Nachtailer, Jam Sutton) develop and investigate a contemporary three myths: Narcissus and Eco, Zeus, Ulysses.
The myth of Narcissus in itself contains many elements easy to read for modern psychoanalysis itself contains the completeness of two opposing aspects between them: the view, Narcissus and the voice, Eco. In a contemporary key, relational exchanges, more and more virtual, occur through social networks, Aaron investigates the need to re-connect with himself. The use of photography is instrumental and to self celebrate. An end in itself? What is the value to be or to appear? And if it's true that it is the contact with each other that we build our identity, entertaining virtual and instrumental relationships we can only fuel the construction of identity, perhaps beautiful. But empty.
The myth of Zeus and the metamorphosis at the end of seduction. An identity that is not ours. Jam investigates and explore s the metamorphosis and the relation with the virtual identity theft by using the net and 3D digital printing.
The myth of Ulysses, a man against his destiny, that to succed in his enterprise must persist and fight.