The International Conference is organized and promoted by the International Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES) under the High patronage of the President of the Italian Republic and with the Patronage of the Ministry of Environment. The World Forum will discuss “The changing health of our planet and species. Environmental disasters: irresponsibility and safeguards”.
The meeting will take place in the suggestive location of Palazzo Ducale, and in Villa Herion on the Giudecca Island, future seat of the International Environmental Criminal Court, of the European Environmental Criminal Court and of the International Laboratory on Environmental Disasters.
During this two day event, in the former capital of the Serenissima Republic, important Personalities from the world of policy, culture and science, Nobel Peace Prize Laureates and Heads of State and of Government will attend the World Forum.
The International Meeting will reach the highest point with the signature of the “Venice Charter 2006” and the endorsement of the Appeal, made by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and by the IAES Acting Presidents Antonino Abrami and Giuseppe Cartei.
The IAES Projects are supported by the Venice Municipality and by the Veneto Region.