The show, staged by the students of the Lyceum Morin of Mestre, concluded the workshop 'the five senses of the actor' realized in the program of Giovani a Teatro 2011-12 'Esseri Umani' led by Chiara Elisa Rossini and Diana Ferrantini with assistance and care of Peter Gavagnin, music and directed by Massimo Munaro, production from Euterpe Venice -Foundation Venice and Teatro del Lemming.
'Giulietta e Romeo' can be read as the drama shakesperiano that directly puts in scene the world seen by young eyes.
The world of Romeo and Juliet is all white or all black, or all is all Montagues or Capulets, is all love and magic or violence and anger.
But these huge passions keys, love and war, touch and melt just because the two protagonists are driven by courage, folly and thoughtlessness of adolescence.