Here are annotations written by the artist over the span of two years, from the summer of 2006 to the winter of 2008, after observing various paintings in the Foundation’s museum: she “experienced” the colours and then transferred them, as soon as she arrived in the studio, onto canvas. This is Maria Morganti’s project: simple yet rigorous and intense, as is rightly underlined by the curator Chiara Bertola.The artist has substituted five works, which had originally been placed over the doors of the museum, with five monochromes of the same size, all with red tonalities, and painted to harmonise with the antique pictures. Each painting has its starting point in her constant frequentation of the rooms in the gallery, after which, each time, she took memories of a certain colour back with her to her studio. Layer after layer she arrived at her final aim.This process can be seen at the upper edge of each canvas where the “history” of these layers is recorded by being coagulated into slender stripes of colour: the colour diary, the accumulation of experience.